The MCE for Urban Transportation: Your Key to Unlocking the Value of Emissions Reductions
Introducing the Mobility Carbon Engine (MCE): the most advanced and user-friendly solution on the market for monetizing your emissions reductions. The MCE is a patented (Patent Number US 11,774,255 B2) digital MRV that automatically quantifies and generates high-quality verified emission reductions (VERs) from trips completed by end-users of a mobility platform.
With the MCE, carbon offsets are generated in real-time and verified by an accredited third-party, making it easy for organizations to turn their emissions reductions into cash. Offset certificates can be sold on carbon markets as carbon offsets/credits, typically in the voluntary market.
Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to make a voluntary contribution to addressing climate change. Get the MCE today and start turning your emissions reductions into cash.
Your mobility app
Once a user selects a destination and begins traveling using a low-carbon transportation option, the mobility app tracks their geolocation until they reach their destination. At this point, ownership of the emission reductions generated by the user's eco-friendly journey has been transferred from the user to the mobility platform. This allows the platform to monetize the emission reductions and provide a financial incentive for individuals to make sustainable transportation choices.
Mobility Carbon Engine
The patented Mobility Carbon Engine (MCE) uses advanced algorithms and recognized quantification methodologies to calculate the potential emission reductions associated with different transport options every time a user performs a trip search. This includes establishing a custom baseline for each user and determining the emissions for each mode of transportation used. Once the user completes their trip, the MCE quantifies and records the actual emission reductions generated.
Carbon credit sales
The Mobility Carbon Engine (MCE) regularly generates aggregated project monitoring data that is required to pass third-party verification by an accredited verifier, validator, and verifier (VVB). This data is used to issue carbon credits, which can then be traded in the market by the mobility platform. This allows the platform to monetize the emission reductions generated by its users and provide a financial incentive for them to make sustainable transportation choices.

The Mobility Carbon Engine:
Generating high-quality carbon offsets that meet the strictest quality criteria.
Greenlines' Mobility Carbon Engine (MCE) is a powerful tool for monetizing emission reductions in the transportation sector. The MCE is powered by our proprietary Modal Shift Optimization GHG Quantification Methodology, which is developed according to ISO 14064-2. This ensures that the app-based carbon offsets generated by the MCE meet the highest standards and are more likely to fetch a higher price in the marketplace compared to other offset projects. By providing a reliable and high-quality solution for monetizing emission reductions, the MCE supports the transition to a low-carbon future and helps drive investment in sustainable transportation.
The Mobility Carbon Engine (MCE) is designed to generate high-quality carbon offsets that meet the quality criteria for carbon offsets. To ensure the emission reductions generated by the offset project are permanent, the MCE uses advanced algorithms to calculate the emission reductions generated by each trip and ensures that the emission reductions are not reversible in the future. To ensure that the emission reductions are additional, the MCE establishes a custom baseline for each user and calculates the emission reductions based on the difference between the baseline and the actual emissions generated by the trip. This ensures that the emission reductions generated by the project are additional to what would have occurred without the project.
To ensure that the offset project has a clear and verifiable baseline, the MCE uses regional project and baseline emissions for most land, water, and air-based transport modes, including public transit, ride-hailing, taxicabs, e-scooters, and pedal bikes. The MCE also has a robust monitoring plan in place to track and verify the emission reductions generated by the project, and the emission reductions are independently verified by a third-party verifier.
To ensure that the offset project has a clear environmental benefit and does not cause any negative impacts on the environment or local communities, the MCE is designed to support sustainable transportation and reduce GHG emissions in the transportation sector. The MCE also ensures that the offset project is transparent and publicly discloses information about the project, including the emission reductions generated, the monitoring and verification processes, and the use of the offset revenue.
Overall, the MCE meets all the quality criteria for carbon offsets and generates high-quality offsets that can be traded in the marketplace and support the transition to a low-carbon future.

Cowlines app
The first digital MRV for urban mobility
With its advanced digital MRV platform, the Mobility Carbon Engine, Cowlines is leading the charge in reducing GHG emissions from transportation. The app, available in major urban centers across the US and Canada, uses an ISO-certified methodology to accurately quantify the emission reductions generated by completed trips. These verified emission reductions (VERs) have been successfully sold as carbon credits to voluntary buyers, demonstrating the growing demand and value for carbon credits in the market. Cowlines is making it easy for individuals and businesses to take tangible action towards a more sustainable future.
A Powerful Carbon Carbon Monetization Engine
Environmental Performance
The Mobility Carbon Engine (MCE) automatically quantifies the environmental performance of each completed trip by tracking the user's geolocation and comparing it to a custom baseline. This allows the MCE to generate verifiable carbon reductions for each trip, which can be converted into carbon offsets and ultimately into offset revenue.
Proven System
Since 2019, the Mobility Carbon Engine (MCE) has been generating verifiable greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions and carbon offsets as part of the Cowlines trip planning app. These emission reductions have been successfully verified by an independent third-party verifier and sold as offsets.
Global Coverage
Thanks to its regional customization, the Mobility Carbon Engine (MCE) can be used in most parts of the world and comes with emission factors from U.S. and Canadian jurisdictions already mapped out.
Multi-Transport Modes
The MCE provides jurisdictional and custom-based project and baseline emissions for most transport modes, including public transit, shared mobility, and active transportation, with 30+ emission factors for the most common transport modes across North America, allowing the MCE to accurately quantify and monetize emission reductions.
Easy-to-use Digital MRV Process
The Mobility Carbon Engine (MCE) is a digital measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) process that integrates into the back-end system of your mobility platform via an environmental API. It uses anonymized trip data, such as the transport mode(s) used, distance traveled, jurisdiction, and more, to convert the data into verifiable greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions.
An Engine to Meet Your Needs
The Mobility Carbon Engine (MCE) is a versatile MRV process that can be easily implemented to generate carbon offsets from a wide range of mobility providers, from small bike share programs and carpooling companies to large mobility organizations operating in multiple jurisdictions. The MCE is capable of handling both small and large-scale scenarios, making it a flexible and effective solution for monetizing emission reductions and providing a financial incentive for sustainable transportation.
Protecting User Privacy
The Mobility Carbon Engine (MCE) is designed to protect user privacy and keep your data safe and secure. The MCE is integrated into the client's server, which means that your users' data is never shared with Greenlines. This ensures that your data remains protected and safe at all times.